Newborn Baby Girl – Ryleigh

This absolutely gorgeous baby girl definitely understood her assignment!   Ryleigh was wide awake and just staring straight at the camera for a large part of her session.   Occasionally, newborns stay awake for long stretches during their newborn sessions but it’s usually a little harder to capture them staring straight at the camera.  Not Ryleigh, she didn’t want to miss a second of her first big modeling job!   We laughed the whole time at her just looking at the camera, staring straight at me.   Dad even made a TikTok of her photoshoot using the popular, “I Understood the Assignment” sound.   Isn’t she just gorgeous, though?  Those big dark eyes and all that dark hair.   But it’s no surprise, just look at her parents!   Mom had also sent me some photos of her bedroom, which is decorated with swans.   She brought a couple of them to the session to incporate.  It’s such a unique touch for a baby’s room and I love it!