Ducros Bridal Portraits – Abigail

Abigail and Drew are married!!!   I am SO excited to share their wedding day images with you guys but for now, you get to see the stunning Abigail who is absolutely just as beautiful and sweet on the inside as she is on the outside!    There is something so special about this pre-K teacher and it’s easy to see why Drew is so head over heels in love with her!   Their wedding over the weekend had some of the sweetest moments I’ve witnessed between a bride and groom, from their adorable first look to the very last and very emotional last dance.   It was definitely a wedding I won’t forget!

Abigail’s bridals at Ducros Plantation are so classic and beautiful.   She is so poised and full of grace, you’d never know that emotions were running extremely high that day.  Despite the mostly overcast day, we did get some sunlight peeking through a little here and there.

Stay tuned for wedding images to come very soon!

Dress:  The Bridal Corner
Flowers:  Connie Ledet