City Park Wildflower Engagements – Julie and Chris

Everything about working with Julie and Chris seems meant to be, from the moment I met them for a consult to their engagement session, things have just fallen into place!   When I first met them at Starbucks, it was Julie, Chris, and her mom, Ms. Joan.   I knew that Ms. Joan looked familiar and I couldn’t seem to place her.   Throughout the meeting, they all just felt so familiar and comfortable.   We discussed how Julie and Chris met, their families, and their siblings.   When Julie mentioned that she had 7 brothers, I thought I had it figured out.   But when I asked her their names, she listed them so quickly that none of them rang a bell.   So we just continued to discuss their wedding and honeymoon plans.   As we were leaving, Julie mentioned her brother Claude and that’s when it hit me.   I HAD met them all before, at not one, but TWO of her brothers’ weddings.  Laura and Paul’s wedding was in 2015 followed by Victoria and Claude in 2019.  (this link will take you to my old blog).   I’m so honored to photograph a 3rd Bourg wedding, we’ve always enjoyed them so much!

Fast forward a few months to their engagement session.  Julie and I went back on forth trying to figure out where we could find some flowers for their photos without having to travel too far.  We settled on City Park, not because of the possibility of flowers, but for the convenience.   As I was driving around, looking for some new places to use around the park, I passed the wildflower fields.   This is something City Park has annually, but I never knew exactly when they had them and I hadn’t heard anyone mention them recently.  They were beautiful and green, the flowers were perfect and there was no one else around.   I was so excited to find this for them!   We loved the fields so much, we wound up going back to get photos in both of their outfits!

I’m so excited to photograph their wedding later this year!