September 29, 2022

Confession time – some days, if my dog wasn’t constantly scratching at the back door, I would hardly get a single step in and when you add my “eats like a 5-year-old without parents” diet, there are definitely seasons of my life when I’m pretty unhealthy.   (Did you see my recent Instagram story with the […]

Pumpkin Milk Bath Milestone Session – Beckham

Milk Bath


September 7, 2022

Several months ago, I was able to do an outdoor newborn session for the first time and I really loved it!   Baby Rory is now 6 months old!   Her parents wanted to do the outdoor sunflower bath, so I met them at a family member’s home on the bayou and we took some adorable photos […]

Outdoor 6 Month Milestone – Rory

Six Months


September 7, 2022

Outdoor 6 Month Milestone – Rory


May 9, 2022

What a beautiful, happy little birthday girl Ehlani was!   She visited the studio with her mom, dad and big brother and she was all smiles the whole time!   Mom would speak to her and she would just light up!   She has the most precious cheeks and big dark eyes!   Although she wasn’t super into her […]

1st Birthday Cake Smash – Ehlani

Smash and Splash


October 26, 2021

What a gorgeous baby girl sweet Brenna is!   She’s like a little baby model and was perfect for her 6 month session!   Brenna is the first baby to be part of our new Mini Milestone sessions!   These 15 minute sessions are perfect for this age when babies have a very short attention span and you […]

6 Month Mini Milestone – Brenna Kate

Mini Sessions


October 26, 2021

6 Month Mini Milestone – Brenna Kate


June 21, 2021

Jackson is o”fish”ally a year old!   I still remember when his mama, Gina, told me she was pregnant for him and I was thrilled to have another year with this family!  The last year, getting to see their whole family every few months has been so much fun and I’ll really miss them!  You can […]

Fishing Themed Cake Smash Session – Jackson

Smash and Splash


May 13, 2021

A year ago, I had a burst of newborns once everyone was ready to book sessions after the lockdown.   Now, all of these babies are turning one!  Sawyer’s newborn session was done early last summer, right as the world started opening up again – and now she’s celebrating her first year with a strawberry themed […]

Strawberry Cake Smash – Sawyer

Smash and Splash


May 13, 2021

Strawberry Cake Smash – Sawyer