3 Month Mardi Gras Session – Adam

Oh, Adam, you sweet, precious baby boy!   Adam is our newest little Heyl cousin, the baby boy of my husband’s cousin and his wife, Dylan and Victoria.   I photographed their wedding several years ago and you might remember Adam’s newborn session, which had their puppy Zeus in it.   When I posted the sneak peek of Adam, my aunt commented that he looked a little like Hayden (his eyes, mostly) so I had to go back and compare photos of them.  I came to the conclusion that Adam and Hayden must both have “Heyl eyes” because they really do look similar!

Not only is this baby sweet with the most precious eyes, but he is STRONG for 3 months!   It isn’t very often that a 3 month old can do tummy time so well.   But Adam is so strong and steady, not only with his tummy time, but when someone is holding him, he sits up straight and tall like a 5 month old LOL

For anyone not from around here, the box behind Adam in the Mardi Gras photos is a ladder seat (what’s the technical term for those things??)  In New Orleans, we grow up in these things and I can remember always being terrified of them.   They are boxes that get bolted to the top of a tall ladder for parades.   Usually, parents stand on the ladder behind the kids and it allows the kids to be higher up and the float riders can see them better.   Victoria’s mom ordered a custom made one for him when he was born and even though he was too young for it at his first parade, we had to incorporate it into his 3 months photos, which were taken just a few days after Mardi Gras.

I can’t wait to see how big and strong this sweet boy is at his next session!